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California Bill To Eliminate Vaccine Choice


CA: CAll the GOV TODAY, Veto AB2109
Protect Your Right to Vaccine Choice
The California legislature has moved ahead and passed AB2109, a dangerous bill that does several things; it eliminates the existing right in California to both secular and religious exemptions to vaccine mandates without interference from state-sanctioned authorities. Parents seeking to exercise their right to decide for themselves which vaccines their children receive will be required to find a healthcare practitioner to sign a mandatory exemption form. Parents will have to pay for this. And health practitioners are not required to sign the form.

Please call Governor Jerry Brown’s office today and politely tell the staffer you want the Governor to veto AB 2109 (916) 445-2841.

Proponents of the bill claim that vaccine exemptions have lead to an increase in cases of pertussis (whooping cough) in California, despite all the medical evidence indicating that the increase is due to the ineffectiveness of the pertussis vaccines.

See: http://healthimpactnews.com/2012/whooping-cough-spreads-among-pertussis-vaccinated/ [1]

Perhaps the explanation for the bill is just good old fashioned pay-to-play Sacramento politics. Senator Lois Volk, the sponsor of AB 2109 in the California Senate, has received more than $58,000 in donations from vaccine companies, and Assemblymember Richard Pan, the sponsor in the Assembly, has received $26,000 according to followthemoney.org [2].

Whatever the motivations of the legislature, AB2109 tramples on Californians first Amendment rights by requiring a healthcare practitioner’s signature to exercise a religious exemption. We are not sure what the California legislature doesn’t understand about, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” Requiring people to seek out the signature and providing payment to a government sanctioned authority in order to exercise a well-established religious belief is a clear violation of the First Amendment, and no-doubt the Courts will see this if Governor Brown doesn’t.

Please forward this message to friends and family and please post it to Facebook and other social networks. And if you support the work of the Autism Action Network please make a donation at www.autismactionnetwork.org [3].

Vaccine Epidemic
How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children
by Louise Kuo Habakus and Mary Holland J.D.

Vaccine Epidemic bookcover Whooping Cough Spreads Among Pertussis Vaccinated [4]

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