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Why Virgin Coconut Oil Makes a Great Deodorant

by Anne Hart, Sacramento Healthy Trends Examiner [1]


All you need is a jar of extra virgin coconut oil. In this current triple-digit California Central Valley weather today, it’s great. You simply smear the melted coconut oil in your armpits and any place else on your external skin that needs a deodorant in the hot weather. And I also swish the melted oil in my mouth (body temperature) as a mouthwash, and it has cleaned my teeth somewhat just before flossing and brushing.

It really works. Just try it. And best of all, you don’t have to worry about absorbing synthetic chemicals into your pores. If you need something stronger, mix the coconut oil with a pinch of baking soda. And if you’ve just removed the hair from your arm pits and don’t want the baking soda to sting, then use the coconut oil alone or with a pinch of corn starch.

What you might have learned about coconut oil deodorants if you look at what is used in Southeast Asia, you might see extra virgin coconut oil rubbed into the skin. Sometimes deodorant is made from coconut oil, powdered coconut milk, and baking soda, with or without a scent of Mandarin orange oil added, should you want fragrance.

Coconut oil has been used among Pacific peoples for everything as a remedy for helping to stop simple diarrhea to making the hair shine and the skin soft and smooth.

Read the full article here: http://www.examiner.com/vegan-in-sacramento/why-extra-virgin-coconut-oil-makes-a-great-deodorant [1]

Aluminum-free Coconut Oil Deodorant [2]!