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Virgin Coconut Oil: Yesterday’s Devil, Today’s ‘It’ Fat

by Andrea Manitsas

I’m pretty sure you’d be hard-pressed to find a coconut oil aficionado or self-proclaimed VCO (virgin coconut oil) devotee who is… well, fat. Not simply because the kind of saturated fat (no need to cringe) present in coconut oil has actually been found to aid in weight loss, but because this oil is the new “it” fat for health conscious foodies everywhere.

We could write a book about the wonders of coconuts. Coconut water, milk, meat, oil: it’s all amazing! But converting from other types of cooking fats to coconut oil could transform your health. The fats in pure coconut oil help our bodies utilize the fat-soluble nutrients in all of our foods. When we add coconut oil to our dishes, essentially we maximize the nutrient value of each bite.

Read the Full Article here: http://www.organicauthority.com/health/virgin-coconut-oil-cooking-oils.html [1]