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Treating Eczema Naturally

by Carolyn Dean MD ND [1]

Eczema is a chronic skin condition that can range from wet blisters to dry flakes. It is usually itchy and can occur on any surface of the body. It is most commonly associated with allergies from contact or foods, and is usually aggravated by stress.

First, you must track down the allergic factor by avoiding and challenging soaps, clothes, jewelry, and certain foods. For children, pay particular attention to dust and dust mites as a possible cause.

You must also investigate and treat yeast overgrowth, especially if eczema develops after taking antibiotics. Yeast overgrowth on the skin or yeast toxins from intestinal yeast overgrowth can cause or aggravate any skin condition.

The medical treatment for eczema is cortisone cream. Using cortisone creams for eczema, however, merely suppresses symptoms; it also stimulates more yeast and fungal

First Aid:
* Avoid showers, because they strip the acid mantle of the skin.
* Use two ounces of apple cider vinegar, a few drops of bath oil or a cotton pouch of oatmeal in your bath.
* Use coconut oil as a body lotion.

Read the Full Article here: http://drcarolyndean.com/2011/05/treating-eczema-naturally/ [1]