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The incredible powers of honey heal in TCM and worldwide medicine

by Christopher Gussa [1]

(NaturalNews) Honey’s ability to heal wounds and treat infections is quite notable. It also is known for its antioxidant, antibiotic and antiviral capabilities. Honey is 18 to 20 percent water and is comprised of the monosaccharides glucose and fructose and vitamins A, B-complex, C, D, E, K and beta-carotene, as well as plenty of minerals and enzymes. Raw, unprocessed honey has the most medicinal and nutritional value. (The fructose in raw honey does not, in any way, have the same negative effect as fructose from corn syrup.) It is also a very important and valuable component of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Read the Full Article Here: http://www.naturalnews.com/031574_honey_healing.html [1]

About the author

Christopher Gussa founded Plant Cures Inc. which handcrafts over 150 Serious Herbal Medicine Products for Specific Disorders all created through clinical application. Their products [2] are for Serious Disease and also Powerful Tonic Health. Please visit Plant Cures at WWW.PLANTCURES.COM [3] or call them at 1-800 979 2027
Christopher Gussa is a formulator of Natural Medicine. He is also a TCM practitioner and Certified Master / Clinical Herbalist for 30 years. He is certified in both Western Herbal Therapy and Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine.
Chris Gussa:“Plant Cures is currently working with over 9,000 medicinal plants [4] to bring about healing through the true science [5] of combining the whole energies of whole plants. A plants energy is from its whole part. (flowers, fruit, leaves, stems, roots etc) While the “science” of seeing some of the isolated molecular constituents in food [6] and herbs can be interesting at times, there is no “one magic ingredient” in any plant. (You would think it would be science trying to tell you this type of logic, instead of me) But no! They would rather play this childish game of trying to find the “Pot of gold” in a plant so they can synthesize it and dazzle the FDA with a “New Drug” that will most likely cause the usual death and destruction!
Here is a link to musicial message called “Pharmaceutical Drug Guys” Let’s Give Big Pharma The Boot!
http://plantcures.com/PharmaGuys.mp3 [7]