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Pregnant? Don’t Skip the FAT!

by KateTietje


I know we live in a super low-fat culture. I know everyone is terrified that eating fat will make you fat (it won’t) and that saturated fat causes heart disease (it doesn’t; trans fat does). But the thing is, pregnancy is a time when you really need excellent nutrition. And there are a lot of reasons why, especially when pregnant (and breastfeeding), you shouldn’t skip the fat. Embrace it. Love it. Enjoy it!

Good fats:


*Coconut oil

*Olive oil



*Beef tallow

*Lard (from pastured pigs, not the store!!)

Continue reading to learn what types, and why.

Read the Full Article here: http://blogs.babble.com/being-pregnant/2011/04/12/pregnant-dont-skip-the-fat/ [1]