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Popular Infant Juices Loaded with Toxic Fluoride

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) A study to be presented at the March 17, 2011, annual meeting of the International Association for Dental Research in San Diego reveals that infant fruit juices of all types contain toxic fluoride, and many contain levels that far exceed federal guidelines. Infants and children that drink such juices are also exposed to high levels of fluoride in drinking water, food products, toothpaste, and various other sources, which is triggering dental fluorosis, hormone disruption, thyroid problems, brain [1] degradation, and other illnesses. Consequently, many experts are urging an immediate end to artificial fluoridation [2].

Read the Full Article here: http://www.naturalnews.com/031209_fluoride_juices.html#ixzz1D0UfuZbz [3]