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New Report: Risks of Cholesterol Drugs

DR. LINUS PAULING: Strong proponent of vitamin C. (U.S. National Library of Medicine)

By W. Gifford-Jones, M.D.


A report in the British Medical Journal now says that the side effect of muscle and back pain may be more frequent than originally believed. Based on a study of 226,000 people taking CLDs, the report says that muscle pain and weakness occurred in as many as one-third of patients, with moderate or severe muscle pain in 100 to 300 women. Severe muscle pain is a worrying symptom as it may be the prelude to rhabdomyolysis. This is a life-threatening condition where a large amount of muscle tissue is destroyed, causing kidney failure. This complication occurs in about 1 in 10,000 patients. So if muscle pain develops, it should be reported immediately to the doctor.

“My prime reason for bypassing CLDs is that I believe Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel Prize winner, and professor Sydney Bush, a distinguished British optometrist, are right. Pauling stressed that humans, unlike animals, do not produce vitamin C. This causes atherosclerosis in coronary arteries and heart attack.”

“Dr. Bush proved Pauling right. Bush prescribed 6,000 milligrams of vitamin C to patients using contact lenses. Equally important, he took photographs of retinal arteries before starting vitamin C and then a year later. These showed that atherosclerosis was regressing.”

Read the Full Article here: http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/health/new-report-risks-of-cholesterol-drugs-56156.html [1]


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