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Listen to raw milk farmers Michael Schmidt and Alice Jongerden discuss the movie “Milk War”

by The Bovine [1]

Listen to an interview with Alice Jongerden on Blog Talk Radio:http://www.blogtalkradio.com/awakentoyouradio/2011/01/27/raw-milk-health-accessibility [2]

Michael Schmidt with Alice Jongerden on stage in British Columbia.

About the interview: “Wednesday, 02 February 2011 Alice Jongerden, the founder and former operator of a 450-member Fresh Milk cowshare in Chilliwack, BC, has been under attack by the Fraser Health Authority since 2009. In March 2010, the Health Authority obtained an order preventing Ms. Jongerden from distributing Fresh Milk for human consumption.

In December 2010, Ms. Jongerden was cited for contempt for breaching the March 18, 2010 order, although no penalty was imposed. She has since ceased operations. Ms. Jongerdens is now applying to set aside the March 18, 2010 order on the basis that the order is founded on a constitutionally invalid law. She says that she and the other members of Home on the Range have a constitutional right to make nutritional choices. Alice will join us to talk about the benefits of raw milk, any health risks involved and her path to trying to make it accessible. Follow Up Event @ Rio Theater 1660 E Broadway: Lastly if you are not able to attend the event and/or live too far away please consider making a donation to the “Real Milk Legal Defense Fund” to support Farmer and Agister Alice Jongerden and the coop in its constitutional challenge for our food rights and to overturn the various injunctions to stop the fresh, unprocessed milk flowing to private coop members by going to www.homeontherangefarms.com”

Listen to an interview with Michael Schmidt on Blog Talk Radio:http://www.blogtalkradio.com/awakentoyouradio/2011/02/04/a-vision-of-a-sustainable-dairy-and-food-supply-for-canada [3]

About the interview: “Today we will talk to Michael Schmidt of Glencolton Farms in Ontario. We will discuss the movie “Milk War” which is a story about Ontario organic and raw dairy farmer Michael Schmidt’s battle to legalize the sale of unpasteurized milk. In defiance of the law, Schmidt has supplied his fellow private coop members with milk for almost 20 years. … a true Canadian David and Goliath story ; when asked if he was willing to go to jail Michael said : “Whatever it takes to give people the freedom to choose healthy nutritious food ” We will also discuss Michaels vision to “Secure the food for our future” and “Our Cows College” We will talk about today’s Farmers and how we can support them during this time of change.”

Read the Full Article Here: http://thebovine.wordpress.com/2011/02/09/listen-to-raw-milk-farmers-michael-schmidt-and-alice-jongerden-on-blog-talk-radio/ [1]