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Fed Up with Vaccine Pressure from Your Doctor? Try Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

by Michael Belkin
The Refusers

Dr. Wakefield discusses the history of the measles vaccine controversy in this presentation to an independent US medical society, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. This video is great background on adverse reactions to the measles vaccine and the medical establishment’s efforts to silence and cover up the scandal, which led to Dr. Wakefield’s excommunication by UK medical inquisitors.

Incidentally, if you need a doctor and are fed up with vaccination pressure from American Academy of Pediatrics pediatricians or American Medical Association zombies, you should check out doctors who are members of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons [1]. They maintain a list [2] “of physicians and practices that are completely third-party free. These doctors work only for their patients. The patient and doctor decide on the appropriate treatment NOT the government and big-insurance companies.”

Full Story: http://therefusers.com/refusers-newsroom/video-andrew-wakefield-speaks-to-the-association-of-american-physicians-and-surgeons/ [3]