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Coconut oil detox for massive yeast die-off

by jeremyknight [1]

many people have gone on juice/water fasts to relieve candida problems only to recieve minor relief. so whats the solution? a program called Coconut oil detox. you eat nothing but 10-14 tablespoons of organic extra virgin coconut oil, about 2 tablespoons ever 2 hours. if your not accustomed to Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (EVCO) you will likley experience a healing crisis. so start with 1 teaspoon per day and take it with meals. if thats perfectly fine, go to a tablespoon per day, taken with meals. eventully you will be able to perform the coconut oil detox.

be aware if your dysbiosos/candidasis is severe; your healing crisis will be severe as well. mine was the most horrible thing i ever experienced to date. i started my EVCO detox on monday, ate 10 tablespoons total and nothing else. tuesday i woke up in the middle of the night vomited, than felt fine again until work. i had to leave work after 3 hours of insane fatigue. got home and slept 14 restless hours, never getting more than like 45 minutes of unbroken sleep. wednesday was horrendious. i couldn’t even walk straight, racing heart, diarrhea, joint pain, shivering with bouts of insomnia. i imagined a heroin withdrawl would be like this. but the good news is that on thursday, i had nothing left to poop out, so at least the diarrhea stopped. friday i was normal agian.

since this 4day experience i’ve noticed increased digestive power, my poop is not foul smelling, and it sinks, which is a sign that your are digesting fat properly. as well as my feet are less smelly and cracked.

i’ve yet to rid myself of jock/anall itching, badbreath, excessive gas and bodyodor. naturopathic doctor Bruce Fife, said you may have to do several 3 day fasts, or at least one 7 day EVCO detox fast to get desired results.

Article link: http://curezone.com/forums/am.asp?i=1231608 [1]