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Bouncing on a rebounder strengthens every cell in the body

by: Melissa Makris [1]

(NaturalNews) In addition to its many health benefits, rebounding has one thing that sets it apart from all other exercises. It is the only one that strengthens, cleanses, and tones every cell in the body.

Other forms of exercise only strengthen bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Rebounder exercise has the advantage of promoting whole-body wellness. Rebounding tones the body’s internal organs, veins, and arteries, as well as every muscle and every bone all at the same time.

There are four basic types of bounces that can be done to get the most out of this fun and easy exercise. They are the health bounce, the strength bounce, the aerobic bounce, and the sitting bounce. Stabilizing bars are available for those unsure of their balance, and can be used with any of these bounces until balance improves.

The health bounce is a very gentle bounce where the feet are shoulder-width apart and do not leave the mat. This bounce can be used for a few minutes several times a day to fully flush the lymphatic system and boost the immune system. It can also be used as a warm-up and cool-down bounce for any rebounding routine.

The strength bounce involves jumping up into the air as high as possible. This promotes the greatest strength gains because the cells are under the highest amount of gravitational pull. Simply put, strength is achieved by becoming more efficient at opposing gravity.

The aerobic bounce involves any kind of aerobic movement. Jogging, running, and sprinting in place, jumping jacks, and simple bouncing are all fine options. Because rebounding is low impact and nourishing to cells, joints are actually protected and strengthened. More calories are also burned because rebounding is much more efficient than normal exercises.

The sitting bounce serves two purposes. First, one can use the sitting bounce to target the abdominal muscles. It is done by sitting on the mat, leaning back, and lifting the legs in the air. Bouncing is then done while keeping the legs off the floor. This bounce significantly strengthens the abs, back and legs.

Second, the sitting bounce is an excellent health exercise for disabled individuals that are not strong enough to stand on the rebounder. Sitting on the mat and lightly bouncing is enough to flush the lymphatic system, boost the immune system, increase circulation, and oxygenate the entire body. Alternatively, a person can still benefit from placing their legs on the rebounder and having someone else bounce up and down.

Incorporating all of these bounces into a daily rebounder exercise routine will give every cell in the body a thorough workout. As a warning, only use a high-quality rebounder. Inexpensive or worn-out units can put undue stress on the body. Also, individuals new to rebounding should start out slowly to give the body proper time to adjust.

Since rebounding is so simple and fun, it is easy to stick with and almost everyone can do it. Yet it is incredibly powerful and provides the body with many significant health benefits that regular exercise cannot accomplish.


http://www.how-to-boost-your-immune… [2]
http://www.how-to-boost-your-immune… [3]
http://www.naturalnews.com/031159_r… [4]

About the author

Melissa Makris is a researcher with a technical background in immunology. She is passionate about holistic and alternative methods of healing. Her website How to Boost Your Immune System [5] shares information on how to improve immune system health using simple, natural methods.

Read the Full Article Here: http://www.naturalnews.com/031739_rebounding_cell_health.html [1]