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Beat ADHD naturally

by Dr. David Jockers [1]

(NaturalNews) The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently surveyed 73,000 children and found one in 10 has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This is a 22% increase since 2003. Research has shown that toxic and deficient lifestyle patterns are the chief contributing factor for this disorder. Natural lifestyle solutions can prevent and reverse ADHD.

Many researchers consider chronic ADHD symptoms a sign of mild-moderate brain damage. When regions of the brain are chronically inflamed it signals the primitive regions of the brain to be on overdrive. This inhibits frontal lobe function which is the region responsible for concentration and emotional stability. The primitive regions on overdrive include the reticular activating system and limbic system. When this primitive brain is imbalanced it leads to poor concentration and emotional outbursts.

ADHD is commonly caused by an inflammatory based diet and toxic food additives. These food additive chemicals are mild-moderately neurotoxic. They also have a strong synergistic effect when combined with sugars such as fructose. A recent Lancet study concluded that food dyes along with the preservative sodium benzoate (found in many soft drinks, fruit juices, & salad dressings) cause many children to become significantly more hyperactive and distractible. This study also found that food additives and dyes can do as much damage to children’s brains as lead in gasoline.

Digestive problems can also dramatically affect brain function and development. A common factor with ADHD is a weak intestinal system and food allergies. Often times a Candida infection is present and producing brain damaging toxic metabolites. It is wise to address the gut and allow it to heal by avoiding allergens and supplementing with high quality Probiotics.

Read the full article here: http://www.naturalnews.com/032275_ADHD_natural_remedies.html [1]