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Amazing Virgin Coconut Oil Secrets from a Home-school Mom

by Robin Sampson
Heart of Wisdom

My boys and I have been sick all week; I believe we have strep throat.  When I looked up natural cures on the Internet, coconut oil came up.

I finally opened my jar and  added it to my daily green drink. It worked! That horrible rocky feeling in my throat went away and I felt much better. This morning I am drinking it in hot tea. After three green drinks with coconut oil   I went from being in bed all day to bouncing around cooking and cleaning the next day.

While I was sick  in bed, I read The Coconut Oil Miracle. I’m not surprised to find something God made for food to be scientifically validated for its preventive and healing properties!

Here is Dr. Joseph Mercola’s explanation on wonderful coconut oil and saturated fats:

Coconut oil is an amazing, healthy vegetable oil that has been used in tropical cultures for thousands of years. These cultures eat traditional diets that are high in saturated fat from coconuts, and they have very little history of heart disease and other western illnesses.


Studies show that virgin coconut oil completely heals, eliminates, reduces or protects against these ailments:

For more information articles by Dr. Axe (my doctor).

Do you use coconut oil? What’s your favorite way to include 3–4 tablespoons in your day?

Read the full article here: http://heartofwisdom.com/blog/amazing-virgin-coconut-oil-secrets/ [4]