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6.7 million wisdom teeth removed unnecessarily each year


by: Rami Nagel

(NaturalNews) A report by dentist Jay Friedman in the American Journal of Public Health reveals that 67 percent or more of preventative wisdom teeth removals are unnecessary. The article explains that most of the pain and illness surrounding wisdom teeth are not caused by the teeth themselves as one would expect, but rather the symptoms come from the surgery that removes the wisdom teeth. Of the approximately 10,000,000 wisdom teeth removed each year in the United States, less than 20 extractions have proven medical indications which reference the requirement for extraction. (Footnote 1). In general, the preventative extraction of wisdom teeth has become a public health disaster and is a clear case of medically caused injury. Driven by lies, the wisdom tooth extraction industry has turned our mouths into a financial goldmine. It makes billions of dollars per year from performing these largely unnecessary surgeries.

Read the Full article here: http://www.naturalnews.com/031288_wisdom_teeth_surgery.html#ixzz1DnhH3q6u [2]