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Why We Get Fat And What to do About It – Review



FOR TEN YEARS I’ve been living on an anti-inflammatory diet. This was brought on by a friend’s suggestions, and since that friend is America’s premier science writer, I took the suggestion seriously. In the years on the diet, my cholesterol dropped, my blood pressure dropped and I lost (and maintained) weight — oh yeah, and my pain went away. Now, his advice is a book. By him. And sisters, you can throw away your other books on nutrition, health and weight loss, read this, and change forever how you live. I promise.

The writer is Gary Taubes, who for many years now has been an honorary Roach sister. It’s no small distinction, or so we like to think. Honorary Roach sisters are born, not made, and as the years pass, the fates throw us together and we delight in the understanding of what we have in common. We felt so when we metPaige [3] and Anastasia [4], of TSP. My husband is an honorary Roach sister, and damn proud of it, as he’ll tell anyone who asks. Gary [5], the other honorary Roach sister of the male persuasion, is the author of the fine new book, Why We Get Fat And What to do About It. Just out by Knopf, you can get it here [6].

Gary has been causing a stir for years with his brilliant work on how what makes us fat also makes us sick. Or is that phrase new to you? It’s true: what makes us fat does also make us sick, though what it is that makes us fat may surprise you. Read the book. Change your life. It’s only sisterly of me to advise you to do so.

Article link: http://thesisterproject.com/roach/write-on-honorary-roach-sister/ [2]