Why are Nutritionists Sponsored by Junk Food Companies?

Can you rely on the government to provide objective, health-promoting dietary advice via the food guide now known as MyPlate? The short answer to that question is “No.” The reality of how government bows to food-industry interests is shocking, and most certainly plays a role in the obesity epidemic.

How American Conventional Nutritionists or Dieticians are Regularly Manipulated by the Food Industry

by Dr. Mercola
The American Dietetic Association’s (ADA) annual conference is often called “the world’s largest meeting of food and nutrition experts.” According to the ADA, the conference brings together “more than 10,000 registered dietitians, nutrition science researchers, policy makers, health-care providers and industry leaders to address key issues affecting […]

The American Dietetic Association’s Monopoly Continues to Grow—But You Can Stop It Cold!

by Alliance for Natural Health
New bills have been introduced in a number of states that will give the ADA a monopoly over the practice of nutritional therapy—these are the people in charge of the wonderful hospital food. Please take action in your state to stop this power grab and ensure […]