New Smart Meters and 5G Technologies Can Be Used to Intercept All of Your Private Data

Will smart meters and 5G cellular services become a threat to the security of our computers and smart phones? Breaches in security from these new microwave technologies are quite possible. According to Bell Labs, the smart meter is actually the weakest element in the data security system used by utility companies. Security systems designed to prevent unauthorized use of smart meters would be very expensive, and utility companies do not have the resources to apply high security control over hundreds of millions of smart meters. This means that the likelihood of smart meters being hijacked and adapted for harmful purposes without utility company cooperation is high. Smart meters are definitely not secure air-gapped devices. Smart meters are designed to send and receive microwave signals and they perform that function well. If they can receive transmissions from the utility company and send responses, then they also could receive and respond to signals from unauthorized sources. Yes, I understand that smart meters use encryption systems, but I also understand that encryption systems can be circumvented by those with evil intent as was shown by Israeli researchers.

The Battle for America’s Soul: Ways to Combat Mind Control

The more we participate in the mass consciousness lifestyle being marketed to Americans, the greater will be the influence of mind control programming in our lives. This means if we want to escape the mind control program of the ruling elite, then we must make conscious choices of when, where, and how we will allow ourselves to be exposed to the tools they are using to control us. Mind controllers are working through the mainstream news media, education system, TV, movies, popular music, amusement parks, sports teams, internet, social media, computer games, pornography, and even some churches that support the agenda of the ruling elite. They are training us to accept a new world order where individual rights and even national sovereignty must give way to a one-world system of total control. The agenda of the ruling elite is to establish a single world government, a single set of world laws, a single world court, a single world currency and economy, a single world education system, and a single world religion. They plan to bring down the world population from the current level of more than 7 billion people to a scant 500 million. In their new world order, all decisions will be made for us. In this system, there will be the ruling elite and a kind of slave class that serves them. To bring this about, they must give us a new worldview. This will require us to change how we think and to believe a large number of lies about every aspect of life. This article will examine some of the tools that mind controllers use to program us and will discuss how we can step out of the mind control trap that they have designed for us.

MK Ultra and Modern Day Mind Control: The Battle for America’s Soul

Have you ever wondered why there is such a vicious and never-ending war being waged against non-toxic food, supplements, and alternative forms of healthcare? Have you ever wondered why an equally intense war is directed against those who profess faith in Jesus Christ? Have you ever wondered why believers who attempt to live their lives according to the words of Jesus and His apostles as recorded in the Bible are constantly ridiculed and called intolerant bigots, hate mongers, stupid, gullible, paranoid, arrogant, and extremists – the scourge of society? Have you ever wondered why those same kinds of derogatory words are applied to people who object to mandatory vaccination and those who insist on knowing what is in the food we eat? Have you ever wondered why those who promote worldwide mandatory vaccination, unlimited use of GMO agriculture, and claim that the US medical care system is the best in the world are always given center stage in any media conversation, while their opponents are made to look like fools? This article will answer these questions and many more!