Photobiomodulation Technology is Healing Neurological Diseases

It is well established that, so far, nothing the pharmaceutical industry has concocted has done anything positive for treating Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS (amyotrophic lateral disease), MLS (multiple sclerosis), strokes, or any other neurological issue. Pharmaceuticals tend to be ineffective with too many side effects to even promote. Thus, these neurological conditions tend to be categorized as “incurable,” leaving most hopeless. The result is years of mentally-impaired living that’s a burden to everyone involved until death, which some consider “premature.” Nevertheless, some successful, natural, dietary and vitamin-mineral supplemental methods have been developed that mainstream media ignores and mainstream medicine marginalizes. They’re not FDA approved, because the FDA only approves pharmaceutical drugs. But most of these natural cures can be applied on a do-it-yourself basis, and the FDA can’t stop that. Currently, near-infrared light has been discovered to be safe and effective against all sorts of neurological pathologies.

Infrared Light and Saunas: Healing Many Illnesses

Sweat lodges, dry saunas, and wet saunas (steam) have been used for healing and detoxing for several centuries. While exposing one’s body to heat over an extended period of time, the activity of fever takes place, stimulating the immune system to release white blood cells to kill pathogenic microbes or destroy cancer tumor cells. Exposing heat to the body over an extended period of time produces profuse sweating that can transport toxins out of the body. Over time, the practice of sauna bathing can even eliminate toxins and drugs trapped in lipid tissue (fat) for years. Both functions of body heat is why more and more health practitioners are realizing that wrapping up and “sweating out” a bout of fever up to but not beyond 104 degrees Fahrenheit is more beneficial than suppressing it with pharmaceuticals. Many of us can’t cope with extended dry or wet sauna visits and some of us can’t even access them. But there is a solution for easily obtaining the same results without the agony of enduring intense ambient heat, using infrared technology.