60+ Natural ALS Cures the “Ice Washing” Campaign Isn’t Funding!

In a previous article we published on where funds donated to the ALS Association are being spent, we showed that a small percentage was actually spent on research, and even then only on pharmaceutical products. This has been our most popular story of the year so far. Sayer Ji brings us a great review of over 60 natural cures that have published research on helping ALS. He also shows how some of the corporate sponsors of the ALS Association are pharmaceutical companies producing drugs that are linked to the cause of ALS!

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: Do You Know What You Are Supporting?

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to raise money for the ALS Association is sweeping the nation, and going viral in social media. However, do you know what you are supporting if you contribute funds to the ALS Association? Many people may be surprised to learn that only 27% of the Associations' funds are spent on research, with over 50% of its expenditures supporting salaries. Also, if you are pro-life, did you know that the ALS Association supports drug research utilizing stem cells from 8-week old aborted fetuses?