Feds to Reinvent School Lunches with Flavored Skim Milk Full of Toxic Additives

Reps. G.T. Thompson (R-PA) and Joe Courtney (D-CT) recently introduced the School Milk Nutrition Act of 2015, which seeks to increase dairy consumption in children by mandating low-fat and non-fat flavored milk for each school meal. As usual, there are powerful interests involved: the dairy industry, looking to regain market share, is very much in support of the new bill. The bill completely ignores the evidence indicating that whole dairy, as opposed to low-fat or non-fat, is the healthier option. Research has shown that consuming whole-fat dairy lowers the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and bowel cancer, and causes less weight gain compared to low-fat and non-fat dairy. The federal government, and the sponsors of this bill, rely on outdated ideas pointing to saturated fat as the enemy despite current research that says otherwise.

Ketogenic Diet Improves Insulin Sensitivity and Numerous Aging Markers

A high-fat low-carb ketogenic diet can optimize your metabolism. Numerous studies have shown that lowering your caloric intake may slow down aging, help prevent age-related chronic diseases, and extend your life. As you age, your levels of glucose, insulin and triglycerides tend to gradually creep upward. A 2010 study examined the effects of a high-fat diet on typical markers of aging. Study participants were given a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet with adequate protein, and the results were health improvements across the board. Serum leptin decreased by an average of eight percent, insulin by 48 percent, fasting glucose by 40 percent, triglycerides by nearly eight percent, and free T3 (thyroid hormone) by almost six percent.

Flaws In Swedish Study Linking A High Fat Diet With Higher Cholesterol

by Dr John Briffa
The Cholesterol Truth

Over the last few years increasing numbers of Swedes have been rejecting conventional nutritional advice to eat a low fat, high carbohydrate diet, and instead are opting for what is being termed a ‘lower-carbohydrate, high-fat (LCHF)’ diet. So significant has this shift been, that it’s estimated that about a […]