The Vaccine Debate and Suppression of Free Speech in America

There is a raging vaccine debate in America today. Most of those on one side of the debate, however, would like you to simply believe there is no debate. They desperately want you to believe that the issue of vaccines is a settled issue and that there is only room for one side - their side. Sadly, many who believe this want to suppress freedom of speech and not allow the other side of the debate to be heard. This is called tyranny and it is something the founding fathers of the United States of America fought hard to prevent. The debate over vaccines is not new. The debate has existed for the entire history of vaccines, ever since the first vaccine was brought to market. That is because ever since vaccines were developed and marketed, there have always been vaccine-injured children and people, including deaths, and therefore people who have opposed vaccines. Those few who have dared to report on the other side of the vaccine debate in the mainstream media have put their careers on the line. Now, even simple stay-at-home mom bloggers are being targeted and threatened in an effort to suppress free speech regarding vaccines.