FDA Attacks Man for Selling Supplement that has Healed Tens of Thousands – Facing 37 Years in Prison

For almost 5 years, the FDA has been attacking Daniel Smith of Spokane Washington for selling a mineral supplement that purifies water and has been used in places like Africa by the Red Cross to prevent Malaria. The product is called MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution), and the active ingredient is sodium chlorite, a common mineral that is even used in some municipalities in the U.S. to purify water instead of chlorine. Daniel Smith will face a trial in less than 30 days, the culmination of close to 5 years of legal battles, that could result in him spending 37 years in prison if convicted. In addition, a homeschool family recently had their 7 children seized and taken away simply because the father was using this same supplement. Why? Because the FDA has not approved this product for health claims. Has the product killed anyone? No. Do FDA approved products kill anyone? Yes. According to statistics published by medical authorities themselves, FDA prescription drugs are one of the top causes of death in the United States, and probably the #1 cause of death among Americans today. Read More: