The CDC Claims the Flu Shot Reduces Mortality in the Elderly – But Where’s the Evidence?

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone aged six months and up, including pregnant women, get an annual influenza vaccine. The two fundamental assumptions underlying the CDC’s policy are that vaccination reduces transmission of the virus and reduces the risk of potentially deadly complications. Yet multiple reviews of the scientific literature have concluded that there is no good scientific evidence to support the CDC’s claims. Notwithstanding the science, to increase demand for the pharmaceutical companies’ influenza vaccine products, the CDC makes use of fear marketing, asserting as fact that tens of thousands of people die each year from the flu, even though the CDC’s numbers are actually estimates that are controversial because they are based on dubious assumptions that appear to result in a great overestimation of the negative impact of influenza on societal health. The primary justification for the CDC’s flu vaccine policy is the assumption that it significantly reduces the mortality rate among people aged 65 and older, the group at highest risk of potentially deadly complications from the flu. The CDC declares to the public that the vaccine does so as though this was a scientifically proven fact. Yet, the reality is that the CDC’s bold claim that the vaccine greatly reduces the risk of death among the elderly has been thoroughly discredited by the scientific community.

American Cancer Society Seeks $11 Billion to Pursue an 80% Gardasil Vaccination Rate Among U.S. Children

The American Cancer Society (ACS) has set an aggressive goal to achieve an 80 percent uptake rate among American children with two doses human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine by 2026. To gain that coverage, 14 million more preteen children would need to complete the two-dose series, for a total of 57.62 million doses above and beyond the number of vaccinations given to date. HPV vaccine is one of the most expensive vaccines on the CDC recommended childhood vaccine schedule, costing a pricey $168 to $204 per dose, with Merck being the sole producer of HPV vaccine (Gardasil) in the U.S. Although U.S. health officials have continued to deny a causal connection, Japanese researchers have pointed out that the temporal association with post-Gardasil clinical symptoms such as “chronic regional pain syndrome, orthostatic intolerance, and/or cognitive dysfunction” suggests a causal relationship with the vaccine. Other health issues associated with HPV vaccination include nervous and immune system disorders such as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), chronic fatigue syndrome, blood clots, acute respiratory failure and cardiac arrest. Also widely reported are menstrual abnormalities and premature ovarian failure. Using the MedAlerts search engine, as of April 30, 2018, the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) contained more than 58,992 reports of HPV vaccine reactions, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths including 430 related deaths, 794 hospitalizations, and 2,773 disabling conditions. Over 45 percent of the reported serious adverse events occurred in children and teens 12-17 years of age.

The Vaccine Wars: How Most Pediatricians Now Represent Big Pharma Instead of Their Patients

Pediatricians’ offices have become ugly battlegrounds. Intelligent, well-informed and loving parents asking legitimate questions about vaccinations are being belittled and treated with disrespect and contempt by too many pediatricians robotically implementing the CDC’s inflexible vaccine schedule in clear violation of the informed consent principle. The National Vaccine Information Center is regularly contacted by mothers reporting that pediatricians are refusing to provide medical care to their babies if they decline or ask to delay even one of the two dozen doses of nine vaccines that CDC officials order pediatricians to give infants in the first year of life. The sacred trust between mothers and pediatricians fostered by mutual respect and shared decision-making has been broken. Sadly, the admiration and trust that mothers used to have for family pediatricians is melting away and being replaced by fear. Doctors are not our masters. We pay them well to do a job, not to exploit and terrify us. Discrimination, coercion and force have no place in modern medicine or in public health policy.

The CDC’s Outlandish Lies About Mercury in Vaccines

The CDC says “the evidence is clear” that thimerosal is “merely a preservative” and not a neurotoxin. However, no one who actually takes the time to examine the scientific literature can rationally conclude that mercury in any form—including the mercury in thimerosal—is safe for humans. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s book, Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak, describes hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific publications and the “broad consensus among research scientists that Thimerosal is a dangerous neurotoxin.” The CDC falsely claims that “thimerosal was taken out of childhood vaccines in the United States in 2001.” However, 25 micrograms of thimerosal remain in many of the influenza vaccines administered in the U.S., including to pregnant women and infants. All eight studies included in the CDC fact sheet claiming that thimerosal is safe involve lead or co-authors accused of fraud or known to have been involved in behind-closed-doors data manipulation or weighed down by serious conflicts of interest.

Did 80,000 People Really Die from the Flu Last Year? Inflating Flu Death Estimates to Sell Flu Shots

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that the 2017-2018 flu season killed 80,000 and hospitalized 900,000 Americans. Of course, the mainstream media reported this as fact. Deaths from flu are always estimates because if the Powers-That-Be reported the true numbers of deaths from actual influenza infections, the numbers would be much lower and people would not be so inclined to receive a flu shot. How does the CDC overestimate the number of flu deaths? The CDC accomplishes this by reporting a combined pneumonia and influenza death rate. For example, in 2001 the CDC reported that 62,034 died from influenza and pneumonia. After a painful hour of searching the CDCs database, I found the true 2001 numbers: 257 died from influenza and 61,777 died from pneumonia. 80,000 deaths would lead one to conclude that 13,333 died per month (80,000/6 months) from the flu. Since the internet provides 24-hour news cycles, I think we all would have heard that about 9 people (267/30 days per month) in every state dying daily from the flu. I have five practitioners in my office. We have over 100 years of experience in treating patients. None of us has can recall a single patient dying from the flu. In fact, I can guarantee you that if 9 people were dying in my state daily from the flu, my partners and I would hear about it. In fact, there are always headlines on the internet when one person dies from the flu. Studying the past CDC data shows that each year a few hundred to a few thousand die from the flu.

Should the CDC Oversee Vaccine Safety When They Purchase Over $5 Billion of Vaccines from Big Pharma?

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is tasked by the U.S. Government with overseeing vaccine safety. They claim on their website: "The United States’ long-standing vaccine safety program closely and constantly monitors the safety of vaccines. A critical part of the program, CDC’s Immunization Safety Office identifies possible vaccine side effects and conducts studies to determine whether health problems are caused by vaccines. Data show that the current U.S. vaccine supply is the safest in history." However, the CDC is the largest purchaser of vaccines in the world, and their budget to purchase vaccines from pharmaceutical companies was over $5.1 BILLION in 2018, and is set to increase to over $5.4 BILLION in 2019. Can we trust the CDC to oversee vaccine safety with such a blatant conflict of interest?

The U.S. Needs an Independent Vaccine Safety Organization Separate from the Corrupt FDA and CDC

Most Americans are oblivious to the huge annual burden of chronic illness, injuries and deaths linked to vaccines. Some of the blame for the public’s ignorance belongs to a complicit media that “pretends that vaccine-related injuries do not occur.” However, the lion’s share of culpability for the buried story likely rests with the two federal agencies charged with vaccine oversight—the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—both of which regularly engage in various forms of deception to uphold their bland narrative that vaccines are unambiguously safe. One of the most significant criticisms has to do with the FDA’s and CDC’s business-as-usual reliance on external experts with financial ties to the pharmaceutical companies and/or products that they are evaluating. Little has changed since a congressional Committee on Government Reform outlined this problem nearly two decades ago. The Reform Committee examined the doings of the FDA’s Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), which determines whether new vaccines should be licensed, and the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), which recommends vaccines for inclusion in the childhood vaccine schedule. The congressional committee noted that FDA and CDC advisory committee members and chairpersons own stock in the vaccine companies under consideration, as well as own vaccine patents. The CDC “grants conflict of interest waivers to every member of their advisory committee a year at a time and allows full participation in the discussions leading up to a vote by every member,” even if a member has a financial stake in the decision.

Another CDC Vaccine Scandal: Data Showing Chickenpox Vaccine Causes More Harm than Good Concealed from Public

A March 2018 article in the Annals of Clinical Pathology describes CDC’s suppression of inconvenient research findings pertaining to its Universal Varicella Vaccination Program. The author, an independent computer scientist, outlines in morbidly fascinating detail the “collusion” between CDC and its local public health partner to conceal unwanted chickenpox vaccine outcomes from the public. His effort revealed two clearly negative consequences of the varicella vaccination program: 1. Widespread chickenpox vaccination had “accelerated the recurrence of shingles in children who had had natural chickenpox” to rates higher than those published “in any historical study.” Previously, “such high HZ incidence rates were…associated with older adults, not children.” 2. The mass varicella vaccination program also had “increased the likelihood of shingles recurrence in adults.” Neither finding was palatable to the public health agencies eager to publicize their vaccination program as an unmitigated success.

Dr. Brian Hooker Addresses Protest Crowd in N.Y. as Former CDC Director Who Approved Gardasil Vaccine is Named “Woman of the Year”

As we have previously reported here at Health Impact News, former CDC director, Dr. Julie Gerberding, has been referred to as either "one of the most evil people in medicine today" or the Healthcare Businesswomen's "Woman of the Year." A crowd gathered in New York City to protest the Healthcare Businesswomen's award, and Dr. Brian Hooker, who has spent many years of his life uncovering corruption at the CDC, addressed the crowd. He talked about the conversations he had with CDC whistleblower, Dr. Willliam Thompson, who worked with Dr. Gerberding during the years she served as the Director of the CDC, when the Gardasil vaccine was approved.

How The CDC and Big Pharma use Non-profit Front Groups to Advance Extremist Mandatory Vaccination Policy Restricting Religious Freedoms

 It’s a confusing story, which is just how groups like Every Child By Two prefer things to be. Like many organizations that abuse the 501(c)(3) rules of the Internal Revenue Service, Every Child By Two (“ECBT”) puts on a front to the world that they are an independent, compassionate organization of parents — originally founded by Rosalynn Carter no less — dedicated to the important work of getting every child vaccinated. In fact, the organization is really a sock-puppet mouthpiece for two masters: 1) the Centers for Disease Control and, 2) vaccine makers, their two primary sources of funding. Recently, ECBT took a public stand against a new rule being proposed by the parent of the CDC, the Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”). On January 26, 2018, the Office of Civil Rights within HHS issued a proposed change of rules, titled “Protecting Statutory Conscience Rights in Health Care; Delegations of Authority.” The new rule makes clear that HHS will enforce any violation of civil rights within the healthcare field, specifically as it relates to the either religious beliefs or conscience of a healthcare worker or a patient. For a group like ECBT, who lobbied heavily in support of SB277 — a California law passed in 2015 that REMOVED religious and philosophical exemptions from vaccines for children — this new rule, and the specific mention of vaccination, represents an enormous threat.