Study: Government HPV Cancer Death Rates Found to be False – Higher Death Rate Among Black Women

The official report from the CDC and pharmaceutical companies is that HPV vaccines prevent cervical cancer. Various studies have been produced in the past couple of years to give credence to this belief, allegedly showing that HPV cancer rates are decreasing since the vaccine was introduced. However, a new study just published shows that the data used by the government to determine HPV cancer deaths was inaccurate because of faulty data. It included women who had hysterectomies, and therefore had ZERO risk of developing cervical cancer. One of the facts uncovered by this study was that the actual death rate for black women was nearly double than what was reported: "For black women, the corrected mortality rate was 10.1 per 100,000 (95% confidence interval [CI], 9.6-10.6), whereas the uncorrected rate was 5.7 per 100,000 (95% CI, 5.5-6.0)." The HPV vaccine only vaccinates for a very small number of known HPV strains, and as we have reported previously here at Health Impact News, these strains are the WRONG strains for African American women. Given the fact that thousands of young women have been harmed by the HPV vaccine, and some have even died, one must ask why any African American woman would ever want to receive an HPV vaccine? An even more important question to ask is why are government health officials and doctors continuing to recommend this vaccine to black women, and what can be done to stop this criminal practice, given the fact that U.S. law protects the manufacturer from being sued in court over injuries and deaths due to vaccines?