Bill Gates’ New Remote-controlled Contraceptive Microchip Could be Used for Eugenics

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is funding the development of a contraceptive microchip that can be remotely controlled to release hormones that can act as abortifacients into a woman's body for up to 16 years. Both the chip's potential to take a life and the potential privacy concerns have drawn criticism. The chip, which measures 20 x 20 x 7 millimeters, can be implanted under the skin of a woman's buttocks, upper arm, or abdomen in 30 minutes. The device contains a 16-year reservoir of the drug levonorgestrel, releasing 30 micrograms a day – but the dosage can be altered by remote control, as well. The announcement comes as the Gates Foundation is spearheading an international, multi-billion-dollar push for expanding birth control in the developing world, bringing charges from pro-life and political [groups] that they are engaged in global population control. Dr. Robert Farra of MIT said the subcutaneous computer chip must be given “secure encryption” so that “someone across the room cannot re-program your implant.” To date, that security has not been developed.