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Make Your Own Coffee and Coconut Oil Exfoliating Scrubs

Coffee and Coconut Scrubs [1]

DIY Coffee and Coconut Scrubs. Image by Orissa Mora-Kent.

By Orissa Mora-Kent
Health Impact News

Coffee beans aren’t only invigorating as a beverage, they’re also revitalizing when used as a body scrub! Repurposed coffee grounds could become the best part of your morning routine. Trust me, once you try this you’ll have no trouble at all rousing yourself out of bed in the morning.

Imagine stepping into a steaming hot shower, and literally scrubbing away the sleep and slumber with fragrant ground coffee, silky coconut oil, and pure essential oils!

You’ll leave the shower feeling so energized, and with that lovely, natural glow – people will ask where you’re hiding the fountain of youth!

Love Your Skin, Your Life and Your Wallet

Consider the benefits of improved circulation, smooth + hydrated skin, and positively looking like you woke up ready to take on the world with that fresh, bright face of yours.

Unfortunately, not everyone is making the best choices regarding their skin care routine. The trend toward convenience for too long has brought many people to the store to meet their skin care needs, and that’s been at a cost that won’t be showing up on any receipt!

Why Choose DIY?

DIY projects are not only fun, economical and yes, often healthier than their buy-it-yourself counterparts, they’re also a creative way to encourage friends and family toward a lifestyle that doesn’t sacrifice conscience for convenience.

Do it yourself, for health!

Consider what Dr. Mercola has to say in regard to bath and shower products:

“If I were to tell you that your shower and bath products could be putting you at risk for less-than-optimal skin and eye health, immune and endocrine function, would you pay a little more attention to your products’ ingredients?

Did you know that applying a substance to your skin isn’t much different from eating it? In fact, I believe it may be even worse.

And let’s not forget… a hot steaming shower…

  • Opens your skin pores
  • Drives a high absorption rate of chemicals directly into your system
  • Vaporizes 70 to 90% of the chemicals present so you inhale them into your lungs

When you consider that products such as shower gels and soaps may be used daily, you can imagine the chemical residue that may build up over the years. (Source: http://bathcare.mercola.com/ [2])

Essentially, it’s safe to say that if it’s not something you would eat, it is best not to put it on your skin.

With that in mind, it’s totally safe to say that you can feel good about what’s in this recipe for a scrumptious and healthy body scrub!

That’s the beauty of making things yourself – you know exactly what went into it – not to mention it’s economical which also ought to make your skin glow!

How to make personalized coffee & coconut body scrubs

Using a nut milk bag, or other fine strainer, squeeze out all of the excess moisture from 2 cups of used coffee grounds.

On the stove top, melt 1 cup virgin coconut oil.

In a medium bowl combine melted coconut oil, coffee grounds and essential oil of your choice (for this recipe I used Orange essential oil and also organic vanilla extract). Mix well and then spoon into muffin tins, almost to top.

Freeze, pop out of the tins, and then store in an airtight container in the freezer until ready to use. Each muffin size body scrub is good for one use in the shower or bath.

If there is concern about coffee grounds going down the drain, a drain screen could be used to catch the grounds for composting or disposal.

Soft, Healthy Skin for Summer

Next time you hop in the shower, use one of these scrubs for a luxurious, spa-like experience!

The heat in the shower will quickly melt the coconut oil and you’ll find it easy to scrub the oily, naturally scented grounds all over your body for a gentle, exfoliating, moisturizing and invigorating micro-massage that leaves you feeling amazing, and proud of the skin you’re in!

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